Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Information Vs Knowledge

If you have been some one who was born in a so called Christian family with faith in Jesus you will KNOW these things

  1. God is love and good
  2. He is with us  and has all good things in store for us
  3. He died to set me free from sin, sickness and curse
  4. He gives me eternal life and blesses me
  5. He knows my name and is always on my side
  6. We are a new creation and there is no condemnation 
We all can for sure raise the hand and say I know these things. The truth is since we have heard it so many times we know it. All these things are in our mind and we KNOW IT. These information are like the currency notes you have accumulated in  the Spiritual realm. Since you know the promises of God and believe in it you are rich. You can quote when one word is said. You know it, you can quote it, you can explain it and you can believe in it. 

But the known information is all the currency you have accumulated.  But money is of no use when its not used wisely and at times of need. A person may have billions in his account and starve to death if he is either not aware of the money in his account or not willing to use it to buy his necessities. Such a guy is called a fool who has the source and does not use it when needed.

Bible calls us to taste and see the Lord is good. 

Bible says taste and see that the Lord is good. We are not called to just know that he is good.  You cannot realise the potential and power of money unless you put it into use. God calls us to put to use the information we have of him. Knowledge is not going to bring the change and the blessings in our life. We need to take the initiative to put every single thing into practice and use them. We are not called to gain knowledge but we are called to experience our relationship with the living God based on what we have been told in the bible. 

Today in your life,  what ever situation you may be facing..... put the information you have about God to use. Just believe it and use it in your situation. Don't use your logical reasoning in explaining the nature of God. He is more than what your  mind can perceive. Just like a child...... who believes on what the parent says Believe in what he has said and turn your information into a life changing experience. Simply believe and put to use and see massive change in your life. Putting to  use the information you have about God will help you to shift your focus from human perspective to Spiritual perspective. What is impossible in human perspective is possible in the Spiritual realm as God who is all powerful works in ways beyond what human mind can think, imagine or perceive.

Today.. take a conscious step to TASTE and SEE that God is good in all true to all he has said in the Bible and to you over the years.

Have a great day. 


  1. What a great post. Thank you for sharing with us. IF you have time to link up with us on Wednesdays at Sitting Among Friends Blog Party. you just add a link to the party. If you need help or are interested let me know. My address is http://youresewtrendy.blogspot.com.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement. Sure would love to link up with you all. Let me know how to link up to the Party. <3
